—— fluid is a solo photography exhibition happened in Tokyo, Japan 2019, with the idea what the identity is, discovering the changing identity in the growing and living path by the photographs I took.

My life is like a constant circle, overlapping and with no beginning or end. I was born in China, and now I study and work in Australia. However, while I spend most of the year in Australia, I go back to China, my place of birth over Chinese New Year. This is the cycle I’ve done over the last several years.

Since I am attracted by Japanese cultures, in between these trips I’ve visited Japan a few times, I have no idea why I have the sense of belonging when I am in Japan. As I travel between these three places, I notice that they have very different cultures, histories and people. However, their culture and people are also closely entwined. I start to feel a sense that all these places are now somehow a part of me. This has led me to ask myself the question: “Where do I belong?”. Do I belong in China, Australia, or Japan?

This question forms the basis of all the photographs I document. What makes us belong? Is it people, rituals, places or where you were born. Through the series of photographs I’ve captured, the answer seems to be ambiguous and a paradox; I belong nowhere, but I also belong everywhere.

I am fluid.